Going Back to the Daily Grind

  You’ve had a great few months of maternity leave, now it’s time to make plans to go back to work. You may be excited about getting back to work, maybe you’re ready for some more adult interaction, or perhaps you’re looking forward to getting into a regular routine. Or...

Reintroduction to the Workforce as a Breastfeeding Mom

I’m what you call an “Exclusive pumping mom.” I tried the breastfeeding route, but my lazy eater, a couple of nasty cases of thrush, while knowing I was going back to work quickly made for a short breastfeeding journey for us. I’ve spent a lot of time attached to my...

My Milk Supply Tanked--Now What?

When my little girl was about 8 months old, a weird thing happened.We had been enjoying a mostly successful breastfeeding relationship and I had just enough milk for her. She had begun to eat some food and I started to notice a slight difference in what seemed like the quantity...

How to Manage Cluster Feeding So You Don’t Go Insane

One of the things about being a new mom I was most excited about was breastfeeding. I thought it was just amazing that women can naturally provide everything their baby needs. I am the first woman in my family to breastfeed and because of that, I had very little exposure...