My Birth Story: Audrey Faith

My third baby, Audrey Faith, is a little bit of a trickster. She’s currently 11 months old and pulls tricks both of my older children never did. Last night, she wanted to be held from 11:30-2:00 in the middle of the night. She regularly cries until I hold her while...

Tags: Birth

Sex After Baby

The time has come. Perhaps hubby is giving you the look or a cheesy line. Maybe you felt that tingle reminiscent of your first months or years together. Sex after baby often incites a mix of fear, excitement, and a whole host of feelings around body image and intimacy with...

Tags: Birth, Self Care

My Birth Story: Levi

My son Levi is almost 3. He is a calm and peaceful little boy, for the most part. Sometimes he would rather play alone and is perfectly content with his toys in his room. But, he entered the world much differently.My husband and I were so excited to learn we...

Tags: Birth

Postpartum Hormones: When you Think You're Out of the Woods, You're not

Prior to giving birth to my first child I, like many other pregnant women, obsessed over message boards, blogs, apps, books, articles, anything I could find about what labor and delivery was really like. I endlessly sought out all of those "10 Things Nobody Tells You About Birth" articles to...

Tags: Birth, Postpartum