How to Do a Cyber Spring Cleaning

This article about digital kidnapping was a real eye-opener for our family's need to set reminders to regularly reevaluate the security of our social media. This article suggested using the time change to remind us to check our social media accounts. Cyber Spring CleaningClean up your friends list, make sure...

Tags: Parenting

Parenting with a Side of Empathy

Momming is tough even on its best days, never mind when your parental choices are being scrutinized daily on social media by complete strangers.  Enter Chrissy Teigan, who may just be my spirit animal in the mom world. She is one half of a celebrity couple, remains outspoken about what...

Life After Loss

My second pregnancy ended at 21 weeks.I don’t know that I have ever heard more devastating, heart-crushing words than “Your baby isn’t developing the way that she should be.” We had no clue that anything was wrong since every appointment leading up to the anatomy scan showed a happy little baby....

Let's Talk about "Tully"

When I first heard of the movie Tully, I couldn’t wait to see it. I was excited to see a realistic picture of motherhood brought to the big screen. A movie about an exhausted mom of a newborn and toddler, trying to balance all of life’s demands? Sign me up....