Stop Saying This Today

I’m a bad mom. I was recently at a play date, primarily comprised of first-time moms, bouncing their immobile babies in hopes of adult conversation. Inevitably, in a group of moms, only a few stories need be swapped before the comparison game sets in…thus perpetuating the ubiquitous “mom guilt.” An...

Tags: Parenting

We're Having a Baby and We Need New EVERYTHING!

Once upon a time, a mommy who already had two beautiful children got pregnant with a third. “OK,” she thought. “We can handle this.” But no one else thought she could. “But where is your new car?” said one friendly stranger. “And where is your new house?” said another. “But...

Tags: Parenting

What is Bullet Journaling?

I remember when my mom and I went to the Franklin Covey store in the mall around the early 2000s. She picked out a most professional, dignified, pre-organized planner a working woman of the ‘90s could buy. I mean… it was a planner brand that had their own store in...

Tags: Parenting

It’s Not a Heart Attack; It’s Anxiety

A few months ago, I started experiencing slight chest pain. I attributed it to running. My husband kept insisting I go to the doctor. My attitude toward doctor’s visits is usually: “I’ll go in and they'll say it’s nothing and it will be a waste of time and money.” My husband’s...

Tags: Parenting