Are They Worth it: Fat Brain Toys

We love our Squigz, and we have all the varieties including mini, pip, benders, and the regular line-up of eight shapes that come in the starter pack. They’ve offered hours upon hours of entertainment over the last two years and still counting. I’ve even used the benders as a hair...

Tags: Preschoolers

Making the Most out of Naptime

        For me, naptime has always been a magical time. My kids are all early risers and the day usually starts at 6 a.m. on a good day. By the time lunch time rolls around and it’s naptime, I need a break and a recharge. My kids...

Teaching Toddlers to Be Kind to Animals

For kids with pets in the home, as well as kids who may encounter pets (read: all kids), it is massively important to teach them respect and kindness towards animals. I can’t stress the importance of this enough. The reasons are threefold: safety, teaching empathy, and of course, the humane...

Ten Ways You Can Tell You're a Mom of Young Kids

I woke up this morning and could not recall Was I a mom or not a mom at all? Then to me these ten things occurred And whether I a mother ‘twas no longer blurred. First within the poop I sifted a mystery Then walls without marker became history. I...