Things You Never Thought Your Partner Would See

Pregnancy comes with a whole bunch of surprises that changes your body in ways that you never thought possible. Labor & Delivery, even more so. Going into it, I had of course heard of the possibility that I may poop on the table. The thought of that was mortifying, but I had...

Tags: Pregnancy

Yes, We're Having "Another" Baby

I can remember being ready to start a family years before my husband was, and the excitement when he finally was on board with the idea. You stress over your cycles, chart symptoms, pray and plead. Then, you finally are pregnant. So what happens when you share the news? For...

Tags: Pregnancy

Tips and Questions to Ask for Scheduled C-Section Mamas


My whole pregnancy, there was a question as to whether or not there’d be a C-section. Eventually, my doctors and I decided to schedule it. Thankfully, I’d done some research and made a list of questions and requests for the big day.  The day before my surgery, my doctor called...

Tags: Pregnancy

Gender Reveal...and How People Respond

Finding out you’re going to have a new little one to add to your family is exciting! In four years, we had three daughters, and each time we found out the baby’s gender, my husband and I were thrilled. Like most parents, we really didn’t have any gender expectations at...

Tags: Pregnancy