First Birthday Ideas for the Pinterest Challenged

  I’m a busy mom, and I’m not great at throwing parties. So facing the daunting task of a first birthday party was stressful. I’m not a Pinterest mom, nor am I rich enough to employ a Pinterest mom to handle the party for me. I sought to minimize stress...

Helping Your Baby Develop Language

In the last few months before you have a one-year-old, your baby should be starting to babble and react to your words and facial expressions. They may even start “talking,” as their babbling starts to gather more meaning.Here are some great ways to engage your baby with your words and...

Tags: Toddlers

Surviving a Vacation with Little Ones

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My family just returned from a trip to Branson, Missouri. My kids are 1, 3, and 5, and to say I was filled with dread is an understatement. I’m not sure why. I paid a lot of money for our trip. We booked a stay at a fun resort complete...

Giving Kids Consistency with Multiple Caregivers

My toddler’s always spent a lot of time going to different caregivers while my husband and I work. I’ve got very consistent regular babysitters, and a great list of back-up options in case of schedule conflicts or sickness.Sometimes my girl ends up spending her day with different people that she’s...