Baby's Last Bottle

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  My sweet girl,It’s been a long journey for us so far. We’ve had a lot of firsts and lasts already. Your first attempt at nursing, and your last. Late nights of me pumping and you eating with your dad, or you eating, and sleeping next to me while I...

Do I Have the Right to Ask for a Lactation Space?

The other day I heard about a trial lawyer, Judith Miller, who filed a discrimination lawsuit because she was told to use the men’s restroom to pump while she was called for jury duty on maternity leave! Judith was happy for the opportunity to do her civic duty and be...

Anxiously Waiting For Baby To Return To Their Birth Weight

What I envisioned breastfeeding being, in the hours, days, and weeks after having my first baby, and the reality was quite different. My son lost more than 10 percent of his body weight after he was born. Doctors and nurses were concerned about the decrease in weight and suggested supplementing...

The Best Breastfeeding Products

You always hear how breastfeeding is one of the most natural things that you can do, but most women that have done it can almost certainly attest that it is not without its difficulties. Although the process can just be simply about your breast and your baby, a little help...